#Yoga & Fitness

10 Benefits of Savasana

10 Benefits of Savasana


Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to help individuals enhance their overall well-being. One of the most important aspects of any yoga practice is savasana, or corpse pose, which is often considered the ultimate relaxation pose. Despite being a simple pose, savasana can bring about a wide range of benefits that can have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the top 10 Benefits of Savasana and and how it can transform your yoga practice and your life.

Steps to Do Savasana

  • Find a quiet and comfortable space, free from distractions.
  • Spread a yoga mat or blanket on the floor and lie down on your back, legs extended and arms by your sides, palms facing up.
  • Allow your body to completely relax, releasing any tension or effort.
  • Close your eyes and bring your awareness to your natural breath, observing the rise and fall of your abdomen.
  • Remain still and focused, letting go of any thoughts or distractions that may arise.
  • Stay in Savasana for at least 5-10 minutes, or longer if desired, allowing your body and mind to fully integrate the benefits of your yoga practice.

Tips and Tricks to Perform Savasana

  • Use props like blankets or bolsters to support your body and enhance comfort, especially if you have tightness or tension in certain areas.
  • Practice conscious relaxation by mentally scanning your body from head to toe, releasing any remaining tension or tightness.
  • Visualize a peaceful scene or repeat a calming mantra to help quiet the mind and deepen your relaxation.
  • If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath without judgment or resistance.
  • Set a gentle alarm or have a trusted friend or teacher remind you when it’s time to come out of the pose, to avoid falling asleep.

Things/Health Conditions to Keep in Mind While Performing Savasana

  • If you have difficulty lying flat on your back, you can elevate your head and shoulders with a blanket or bolster for added support.
  • Those with certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure or glaucoma, should practice Savasana with the head slightly elevated.
  • Pregnant women may find it more comfortable to lie on their left side or use props for additional support.
  • Individuals with certain injuries or conditions may need to modify the pose or practice an alternative restorative posture as recommended by their healthcare provider or yoga therapist.

Now, let’s explore the 10 remarkable benefits of Savasana:

10 Benefits of Savasana

  • Deep Relaxation: Savasana induces a state of profound relaxation, allowing the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate after the physical and mental exertion of a yoga practice.
  • Stress Relief: The stillness and conscious relaxation of Savasana help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.
  • Improved Digestion: The relaxed state of Savasana can aid in digestion by reducing tension in the abdominal area and allowing the body to divert energy toward the digestive process.
  • Pain Relief: Savasana can help alleviate muscle tension, headaches, and other forms of physical discomfort by promoting deep relaxation and releasing tension.
  • Better Sleep: Practicing Savasana can improve the quality of sleep by inducing a state of calmness and preparing the body and mind for restful slumber.
  • Emotional Balance: The stillness and introspection of Savasana can help cultivate emotional stability, self-awareness, and inner peace.
  • Increased Body Awareness: By bringing attention to the breath and sensations within the body, Savasana enhances body awareness and mindfulness.
  • Integration of Practice: Savasana allows the physical, mental, and energetic benefits of the yoga practice to fully integrate and settle within the body and mind.
  • Spiritual Growth: The stillness and inward focus of Savasana can facilitate a deeper connection with one’s inner self, promoting spiritual growth and self-realization.
  • Overall Well-being: Savasana contributes to overall well-being by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and facilitating the body’s natural healing processes.


Savasana is a powerful tool that can help individuals enhance their overall well-being. By taking the time to relax and let go of tension and stress, you can reap the many benefits that savasana has to offer. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or just starting out, incorporating savasana into your practice can help you cultivate a deeper sense of relaxation, peace, and inner calm. So why not give it a try and see how it can transform your yoga practice and your life?


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