
Difference Between Cabbage and Lettuce

difference between cabbage and lettuce

Despite being from the same plant family, Brassicaceae (or Cruciferae) there are a lot differences between cabbage and lettuce. The main difference between cabbage and lettuce is that cabbage is a compact, dense head formed by tightly overlapping leaves. The leaves are thick and crunchy. In contrast, lettuce has a looser arrangement of leaves that are tender and more delicate. These leaves do not form a tightly compacted head like cabbage.

Another difference between cabbage and lettuce is that cabbage is higher in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate compared to iceberg lettuce.

Table of Content

Difference Between Cabbage and Lettuce

For better clarity, here’s the difference between these two in a tabular format:

Benchmark Cabbage Lettuce
Definition A compact, dense head formed by tightly overlapping leaves A plant with a looser arrangement of tender, delicate leaves
Plant Structure Forms a tightly compacted head Does not form a tightly compacted head
Leaf Texture Leaves are thick and crunchy Leaves are tender and delicate
Flavor Robust, slightly bitter, and peppery flavor when raw Mild, sweet, and delicate flavor
Common Varieties Green, red, savoy, napa Iceberg, romaine, leaf, butter, arugula
Nutrient Content Higher in vitamins C, K, and folate Generally lower in certain vitamins and minerals
Culinary Uses Often cooked or fermented (sauerkraut), can be eaten raw Commonly consumed raw in salads or on sandwiches
Plant Family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)

What is Cabbage?

Cabbage is a compact, dense head formed by tightly overlapping leaves. The leaves are thick and crunchy, with a robust, slightly bitter, and peppery flavor when raw. Common varieties include green, red, savoy, and napa cabbage.

One head of lettuce cut in half with another whole head

What is Lettuce?

Lettuce is a plant with a looser arrangement of tender, delicate leaves that do not form a tightly compacted head. The leaves have a mild, sweet, and delicate flavor. Common varieties include iceberg, romaine, leaf, butter, and arugula.

Fresh bunch of romaine lettuce

Key Difference Between Cabbage and Lettuce

Here are the key differences between these two:

  • Cabbage forms a tightly compacted head of overlapping leaves, whereas lettuce has a loose arrangement of leaves that do not form a compacted head.
  • Cabbage leaves are thick and crunchy, but lettuce leaves are tender and delicate.
  • Lettuce has a mild, sweet, and delicate flavor. On the other hand, cabbage has a strong, slightly bitter, and peppery flavor when raw.
  • Lettuce is commonly consumed raw in salads or on sandwiches. In contrast, cabbage is often cooked or fermented (sauerkraut), and can be eaten raw.

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